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Farming Bison


Are you interested in starting a bison ranch? Wondering what it would take? If you are interested please contact our association president for more information. You are also invited to come to our annual meeting and talk to producers to get more information.


Code of Practice

The Code of Practice are nationally developed guidelines for the care an handling of the different species of animal farms. The Codes contain recommendations for housing and management practices for farm animals as well as transportation and processing.

The Codes are voluntary and are intended as educational tools in the promotion of sound husbandry and welfare practices. The Codes contain recommendations to assist farmers and others in the agriculture and food sector to compare and improve their own management practices. Institutions maintaining research herds also should be in compliance with the relevant Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCA) guidelines.


To view the Canadian Bison Association’s Code of Practice, click here.


Research and Publications

Click here to learn more about Bison nutrition, health, production, marketing and other bison research.

Starting & Managing a Bison Operation
Five Important Areas for Every Effective Bison Manager


The origin of the buffalo is somewhat unclear, but we all agree bison are one of the most important animals in the development of North America. The bison history is very complex and full of politics, greed, economics and good intentions. In a period of 40 years the bison herd went from an estimated 60 million in the mid 1800’s to fewer than 1,000 by 1880. The last wild plains bison was shot in southwestern Manitoba in about 1883. Thanks to the individuals such as Samuel Walking Coyote, Charles Allard, Michael Pablo, James McKay, Charles Alloway, Samuel Bedson, Charles Goodnight,”Pete” Duprée and others who recognized the value of bison, they are no longer an endangered species. Bison once again are the centre of many Canadian and American lives.


View the Ranchers Handbook


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